terms of service
RealSender has a zero tolerance for SPAM (unsolicited email advertising). Customers sending out unsolicited commercial email or prohibited advertising or other harassing or illegal materials through email, will be subject to immediate account termination without any refund. Repeated mailing to wrong recipients and the failure to comply with the weekly limit are considered a “spammer behaviour”.
The “email from addresses” for each RealSender account must be under one or more domain names registered by the same company. Each server can send up to 10,000 emails per week. The number of recipients for each piece of email is limited to 100. RealSender service is provided for business use only: both a full mailing address and tax id number are required.
RealSender simply conveys the emails and does not check the content thereof under legal, factual or other aspects. RealSender is furthermore not responsible for the content of the emails it conveys.
Customer agrees to indemnify RealSender against any liability for any and all use of Customer’s account. Furthermore, Customer agrees to indemnify and hold RealSender harmless from any claims and expenses, including reasonable attorney’s fees, related to Customer’s violation of the Service Agreement or Customer’s direct or indirect damage to another party.
Customer expressly agrees that use of RealSender’s service is at customer’s sole risk. Neither RealSender nor any of its information providers, licensers, employees, or agents warrant that the service will be uninterrupted or error free; nor does RealSender or any of its information providers, licensers, employees, or agents make any warranty as to the results to be obtained from use of the service. the service is distributed on an “as is” basis without warranties of any kind, either express or implied, including but not limited to warranties of title or implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose or otherwise, other than those warranties which are implied by and incapable of exclusion, restriction, or modification under the laws applicable to this service agreement. Neither RealSender nor anyone else involved in creating, producing or delivering the service shall be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special or consequential damages arising out of use of the service or inability to use the service or out of any breach of any warranty. Customer expressly acknowledges that the provision of this paragraph shall also apply to all third party content and any other content available through the service.
Upon notice provided in written, faxed or emailed form to the Customer, RealSender may modify this Service Agreement or prices, and may discontinue or revise any or all aspects of the Service in its sole discretion without prior notice.
RealSender and Inxbox are registered trademarks in EU.